SIMPLY SOFIA - HEMATITE CROWNS A PEARL - [price for one] - With it's humble beginnings, Pearls. Referred to as the “stone of sincerity”, symbolize innocence and a pure heart. They promote faith, loyalty, truth and purity, thus enhancing personal integrity. They have also been used in a number of cultures to help women connect with their “inner goddesses” and obtain the ultimate “feminine energy.”Even a single Pearl is said to give the wearer a sense of calmness and centeredness. Coupled with one of
my favorites, this design accentuates the beauty of the Pearl within the strength of the Hematite. HEMATITE is a grounding and balancing stone, allowing one to release negativity. It cleanses disorders of the blood and allows one to release harmful emotions. Calming, transforms negativity and is said to aid in high blood pressure, muscle cramping, nervous disorders & insomnia. #shopsimplysofia #classicstyle #simplicity #femininity #woman #timeless #madewithlove #hematite #pearls #ladiesbracelets #valentinesgift #giftsforher #delicate #goddess #girlfriendgift #love